Welcome! Thank you so much for dropping by!
I am a Singer, Songwriter, Storyteller, Musician, Wordsmith and Entertainer.
I was born a Musician, did my first paid gig at 10 years of age and
my Muse has taken me to 60% of the globe, Guitar in hand.
I think I am a “Road Scholar” and I write from those experiences,
sharing them through Song.

March 9/24  West Brooklin SpeakEasy Fund Raiser 6:30/7  www.facebook.com/westbrooklynspeakeasy
March 9/24  Private House Concert  8PM
March 30/24  Kings Theatre 7:30-9:30  KIM DOOLITTLE & THE DOCTORS – King’s Theatre (kingstheatre.ca)  50 Years a Singer Show w/Tom Bona, Donnie Donahue, Kev Corbett & Alex Constable

April 26/24   TBA

May 18/24  Dreamers Cafe, 7-9, 2 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario
May 26/24  Metropolitan Community Church 11-12pm Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto (mcctoronto.com)
May 31/24  Upfront Cafe / 4:30 – 6:30 / Pandemonium Paint is being launched with Kim Doolittle exhibiting her original Artwork prior to her live show at 7pm!
“50 Years A Singer”, 7pm / Come and let this Singer, Songwriter and Storyteller recount a lifetime as a Musician! Art Gallery and Exhibitions – Upfront Gallery & Arts Venue (up-front.com) 

June 1/24  Metropolitan Community Church 7-9pm  50 Years a Singer Show, Live Audio Video Recording.  Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto (mcctoronto.com)
June 8/24  North Mountain Concert Series 7-9 / The Songs of Joni Mitchell w/Con Spirito Home – North Mountain United Tapestry
June 12-16/24  Pembroke Music Festival / TBA / www.nspembrokemusicfestival.com – Home
June 24-September 15/24  Bay Ferries / Dates TBA /  Nova Scotia, Maine, New Brunswick & PEI Ferry Services | Ferries

July 11/24  Bridgetown Bash / 6-9 Meet and Greet / Bridgetown Regional High School / 456 Granville Street, Bridgetown, NS, B0S1B0
July 14/24  Bridgetown Bash/ Jubilee Park / Church Service w/Gary Boyd / Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Park | Tourism Nova Scotia, Canada

September 7/24  Tivertonian Playhouse / 7-9 PM / 3242 Hwy 217, Tiverton, NS, Canada, Nova Scotia
September 13/24 / TBA
September 14/24  West Brooklin Speakeasy / www.facebook.com/westbrooklynspeakeasy / 7-9 w/ Donnie Donahue
September 21/24   North Mountain Market / 9-12 / Home – North Mountain United Tapestry